Interrail reservations in Lithuania

Lithuania is a rather unknown country, still unexplored. Did you know that you can now explore Lithuania by Interrail? Having connections to all neighbouring countries, although limited. Train connections valid with Interrail exists only during the day. You can simply hop on any train free of charge with Interrail. Below you can find all details of trains in Lithuania. Are you ready to explore Vilnius, Kaunas and many more hidden gems? You can reach Lithuania via Poland (Bialystok), on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. Interrail reservations in Lithuania that can be made online are indicated in blue, otherwise simply make a reservation at any manned train station.

Reservations overview

Train TypeSpecific Train NameOperatorReservation2nd class1st classDestinations
RegionalLietuvos geležinkeliaiLatvia*, Lithuania, Poland
InterCityLietuvos geležinkeliaiLithuania

Reservations remarks

* Did you know that your Interrail pass is not valid within Latvia?
* Did you know that train fares within Lithuania are considered to be affordable. Make a wise decision in using an Interrail pass.

Go back to the train reservations.

Interrail reservations in Lithuania - A street in Kaunas
Interrail reservations in Lithuania – A street in Kaunas