Questions? Looking for inspiration? Need help?
In any case you need inspiration, or if you have any questions or suggestions, simply post a message in the Interrail Travelers group. Someone else from the community, or myself, will gladly help you out or join the discussion. Do follow me on all my other social media accounts for more travel inspiration: Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.
Getting in touch
Hi there! I would like to personally thank you for visiting my project. I hope that it may have inspired you – or that it may have helped you along the way of your own travel plans. Now that you have reached this part of the website it is about time that you contact me. If I can be of help please do not hesitate to ask – I’d be more than happy to help you in any way possible. Now it is time to read the fancy sections down below. Happy traveling!
This website is written and edited by me. For any questions, please contact me at koennijbroek[at]
You may not re-use my content or claim them as your own. You are more than welcome to share my pictures on any social media platform so long as you link back directly to my blog post. No copy & paste of my texts will be allowed under any circumstances, unless it is quoted with a source to my blog post.
Business contact
For any business related enquiries, please contact me at koennijbroek[at]
Anyone with proven skills of designing Mobile Apps and has experience with Travel Planning systems please feel free to get in touch.